WaniKani exporter
Updated on: 2020-06-30


A script that uses the WaniKani api to export your account's new vocabulary and leeches into CSV files to be then imported into Kotoba for further review.

Portfolio Website
Updated on: 2020-08-28


Developing this portfolio website was one of my projects. I wanted to create a website where the data displayed on the website was completly seperated from the code drawing the website. This way, if I ever want to update how the site appears I can do so without rewritting all of the content on the site.

Updated on: 2020-07-09


A Discord bot that primarily displays synopses of Anime/Manga/Light Novel titles from MyAnimeList. It can also serve as a recommendation engine when a club member is looking for a new item to watch/read. Originally written in JavaScript and then later completely rewritten in TypeScript. Created for the UW-Stout An-Bu anime club.

WiFi Strength Heatmapper
Updated on: 2019-12-17

AndroidRoom Database

Android application that lets you use your device's GPS and WiFi antenna to create a grid-based heatmap of all wireless networks within range. Can be used to find network dead zones.

Web Major
Updated on: 2019-07-31


Psycholinguistic tool for converting strings of digits into the major mnemonic system that runs in your web browser. Uses the Carnegie Mellon University Pronouncing Dictionary for word pronunciations and the Reilly Noun Imageability Dataset from Jamie Reilly's doctoral dissertation for word bank. The algorithm minimizes the total number of words outputted and maximizes the Reilly imaginability score for each word choice.

Genetic Steering
Updated on: 2020-01-11


By combining Craig Reynolds’ Steering Behaviors with the Genetic Algorithm I created an artificial life simulation where Humans and Zombies fight for genetic superiority.

Updated on: 2020-06-26


Mnemosyne (pronounced: "new-ma-se-nee") is a graphical front-end for jrnl built with node.js and Bootstrap. jrnl is a fantastic open source text-based journaling application. However, it has one major problem: Interacting with your journal from a mobile device is difficult and error prone. This application seeks to fix that. By hosting a small node.js webserver on a device such as a Raspberry Pi, one can easily create and view their jrnl entries from a progressive web app on their phone or tablet anywhere. Mnemosyne is named after the Goddess of memory and remembrance in Greek mythology.

Farmer SMS
Updated on: 2019-02-03


Built for the 2019 MinneHack 24-hour Hackathon. When we were researching the problems facing farmers in developing countries today, one of the largest issues was a lack of information. Many farmers live without internet access, and are unable to learn about best farming practices, weather updates, or even just current news. However, as evidenced by the rapid rise of mobile banking in places like Africa, it is clear that farmers have access to phone services. We have created a SMS service to help farmers advance their personal education and increase their agricultural productivity.

GPS Running/Cycling Heat Map
Updated on: 2019-10-14

Nana GUI

Show your friends and family what you've accomplished on foot or by bike by creating a Heat Map summary of all of your activities on Strava, Garmin Connect, or other GPS fitness sites! Popular GPS activity file types such as .fit, .tcx, and .gpx are all supported!

Steganography Encoder/Decoder
Updated on: 2018-12-21


Steganography is the practice of hiding objects in plain sight. This application hides files in the least significant bits of the color channels of PNG (Portable Network Graphics) images. This adds a small amount of noise to the image that is often completely unnoticable to any person looking at it. This application was the result of a team effort from Evan Vander Hoeven, Nicholas Labelle, Tanner Verber, Brendan Bard, Connor Fergesen, and I. It was created as a project for UW-Stout's Fall 2018 Software Engineering Principles class as an excercise in using Agile development.

SpaceX Database Simulation
Updated on: 2018-05-01


Creates data to populate a simple but non-trivial database for my Databases class. First it uses Curl to download a complete SpaceX mission manifest from this open source REST API. Then it parses the downloaded JSON data using the RapidJSON Library. Afterwards, it performs a simulation to generate hypothetical future launch data. Many variables are simulated such as maximum reflights of cores, payload masses limited to launch configuration limits for any destination orbit, and dates that follow real world calendar rules such as everything from months having the correct number of days to properly handling leap years. Finally, the program outputs the conglomeration of real world and simulated data into a database by either directly connecting to the database or by printing out the results into a text file that can be read into the database manually.

Pi Calculators
Updated on: 2018-03-14


Implementations of popular algorithms for computing digits of Pi in C++ with the MPIR library. Implementations include:

  • Chudnovsky
  • Leibniz
  • Machin
  • Monte Carlo